eDALAYON: A Document Management and Monitoring System for the Department of the Interior and Local Government, Philippines
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This research presents the development and implementation of a document management and monitoring system aimed at addressing the persistent challenges of inefficient document management in the Philippine government sector. Utilizing the Agile Scrum methodology, the system was designed with four key modules: user access roles, document management, document tracking, and reporting. The system was initially deployed and evaluated at the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in Negros Occidental, where it was assessed by personnel using a standardized evaluation instrument. The results indicated a significant reduction in the organization's workload and document retrieval time, demonstrating the system's effectiveness in enhancing operational efficiency. The system's cloud-based storage and version control features have notably improved collaboration, while the integrated access control module ensures robust document security and compliance. This digital solution addresses the shortcomings of traditional document management and aligns with the broader governmental goal of digital transformation. The system developed in this study offers a scalable solution for both government and non-government organizations to streamline document management and monitoring processes. Furthermore, it contributes to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by promoting innovative digital technologies and infrastructure to enhance government services and operations.
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